Wagner Energy Services LLC is your complete resource for valve service and sales. Our experienced wellhead division provides all essential preventive oilfield valve services for new wells, re-completions and de-completions. Our oilfield valve sales division supports your complete pressure relief, isolation and control valve needs throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, & West Virginia.
Preventive Oilfield Valve Services
There’s no understating the importance of proper oilfield valve services. Preventative maintenance work ensures the integrity and function of critical valve mechanisms, to ensure controlled production.
Our team is ready to serve the complete valve maintenance needs of our customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not only do we perform on-site testing and inspections, we have a full-service repair shop, ready to repair all makes and models of valves and wellhead equipment.
What We Can Do
- Greasing of trees and individual valves
- Testing relief valves in the field
- Change-outs
- Outsourced Machining
- Valve and pump repair
- Consultations and inspections
Our Mission Is Simple!
Keep your valves in full working condition, so they can serve the purpose they’re intended to. Let us keep your personnel safe and your operations fluid with routine valve service.
Oilfield Valve Sales
Whether you’re setting up a new drilling operation or retrofitting equipment at an existing production site, reliable valve products top the list. Let us supply them for you. We have access to the full spectrum of pressure relief, isolation and control valves, and we’re ready to source them to your site quickly. We guarantee fault-free products, installed and calibrated to the needs of your operation.
Valves Service and Sales
At Wagner Energy Services, LLC, we do more than hydrostatic testing, equipment rentals, plumbing & grating, water blasting, and flange management – we also have a sales department which is full of high-quality valves and other components that we make available to clients. When you need components that you can rely on under even the most severe conditions, you should contact us to purchase those components.

Types of Valves We Service & Sell
Some of the valves which we are typically called upon to provide to our clients are commonly used in the oil and gas industry, but they also have many other applications in other industries. Here are the types of valves most frequently requested by our customers:
- Control Valves – these valves control the level of liquid flow through a system by changing the size of the passage through which liquid will flow. Generally, a signal from some kind of controller will control this narrowing and expanding of the passage diameter.
- Isolation Valves – the purpose of this kind of valve is to stop the flow of a liquid medium into a certain area, generally so that safety measures can be taken, or so that regularly scheduled maintenance can be performed.
- Pressure Relief Valves – these kinds of valves are used to control the pressure in a discrete system, so that pressure doesn’t build up and cause some kind of equipment failure or other problem. To limit the amount of pressure in the system, these valves are generally pre-set, so that at a certain pressure level, they automatically open and allow fluid to drain out of a side pipe, which relieves pressure in the main line.
In order to control the flow of liquid through any pipeline, a control valve can be completely open, completely closed, or partially opened. Modulating valves are special control valves which can be slightly opened or closed to achieve a scaled-down version of flow control. By changing the size of the opening which any liquid medium flows through, the volume of flow can be effectively managed.
In order to accomplish any opening or closing action, a signal must be sent from an outside source to the valve actuator. This will either come from an electrically actuated signal coming from an electric pilot, a programmable logic controller, a remote terminal unit, or a liquid level controller. It’s also possible to have a pneumatically actuated control valve, and this will be managed either through a liquid level controller or a pneumatic pilot.
Using one of these control methods, it will be possible to manage pressure in a pipeline, as well as the flow rate and the temperature. The big advantage of having control valves operated remotely is that it becomes unnecessary to have an operator standing by all the time to monitor flow, and to make any necessary adjustments. This would quickly become impractical, given the number of control valves which might be necessary throughout any major pipeline system.
Oil & Gas Isolation Valves
Isolation valves are frequently used to avoid formation damage, and to minimize the workover costs, by providing a totally reliable barrier inside a pipeline or completion string. Reservoir fluids can be managed very effectively by isolation valves, and this allows for increased efficiency of batch drilling and all completion operations.
When choosing the right isolation valve for any particular application, it will be necessary to take into consideration the environment it will be used in, as well as the type of completion it will be used for. These could be intelligent completions, single-zone completions or multiple-zone completions, and that will have a big impact on the kind of isolation valve used.
It’s also necessary to take into consideration whether there are any fluid loss controls in place, and any gravel and Frac packing, under-balanced perforation, ESP workovers, or any downhole valves for lubrication. In any case, formation isolation valves will establish bidirectional barriers so that reservoir fluids can be isolated from lower completion zones.
Formation isolation values prevents hydrocarbon fluids in the lower reservoir zones from becoming contaminated by milling or production operations which may be going on in the upper reservoir zones. Overall, this allows for much better wellbore safety, as well as optimizing all completion operations, and increasing the production rate.
Oil & Gas Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure relief valves are among the most important safety devices you’ll find on any oil and gas production facility. That’s because they ensure that the components involved with any kind of pipeline system are not subjected to pressures which they weren’t designed for. Obviously, the consequences of exposure to greater than design pressures could be catastrophic, both for equipment and for any nearby workers.
Accordingly, pressure relief valves are designed to open quickly and to completely handle any flow of gas or liquids which might otherwise create a dangerous situation. Pressure will always be relieved by routing excessive flow to some side channel in a much safer location, so that it can be vented elsewhere or completely burned up.
Whenever the temperature control devices and the pressure control devices of any system are operating appropriately, there’s no need for pressure relief valves to come into play. However, as soon as a pressure relief valve senses that there is an over-pressure situation, it quickly springs into action to relieve the excess pressure. When safety switches fail or when shutdown valves take too much time to accomplish their emergency task, a pressure relief valve is often the last resort to defuse an over-pressure situation.
Valves are the most important components in any pipeline configuration, and entirely necessary for the safety of equipment and workers. Pressure relief valves are generally designed so as to meet whatever codes and standards are in effect at a given location, and in a specific system.
Such standardization is necessary so as to ensure that the appropriate action is taken when dangerous situations become possible. In addition to having tremendous value in the oil and gas industry, pressure relief valves are also used in refining, petrochemical, chemical, and processing and power applications, all around the world.
Your All-in-One Resource for Valves
Wagner Energy Services LLC understands the critical role valves play in your oilfield operations. We’re committed to preventive service and the sale of reliable valves, giving you total support from trusted professionals. Reach us today at 740-525-0345 for more information about our experience and expertise regarding valve service and sales.