Contact us at Wagner Energy Services when you have need of any of the fine tools and equipment described below. We offer our oilfield equipment rentals throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, & West Virginia.

Hydraulic Pumps
Hydraulic pumps are commonly used in the oil and gas industry because they provide a mechanical source of power which is capable of converting mechanical power into hydraulic energy. Sufficient power is generated so that it can overcome any pressure induced at the pump outlet by the load. When these pumps are in operation, they will create a vacuum at the inlet which forces reservoir fluid into an inlet line to the pump. By mechanical action, this fluid is then delivered to the pump outlet and forced into the main part of the hydrostatic system.

Hydraulic Torque Wrenches
A hydraulic torque wrench is a power tool capable of exerting sufficient force on a fastener so as to loosen or tighten a connection, by using the power of hydraulics. The wrench would be directly applied to the nut, or used in tandem with an impact socket, and this kind of a wrench would normally be used to deliver a predetermined level of torque to a fastener which has been lubricated.

Low Clearance Torque Wrenches
Low-clearance wrenches are frequently used where bigger, hydraulic wrenches are too bulky to be used. However, they are still capable of delivering the power needed to loosen or tighten a fastener which is being stubborn.

Low Clearance Ratchet Links
These tools are very similar to hydraulic wrenches, except that they are generally smaller and capable of fitting into tight locations. Their reduced radius allows them to operate where other tools simply cannot go, and since it’s not necessary to use a special power head, a standard 4HP can be used to operate the ratchet link.

Hand Torque Wrenches
When electric power tools or compressed air tools are unable to access a given area, a hand torque wrench can usually be depended on for any fastening application. Hand wrenches are capable of being used almost anywhere, and they are essential for preventing bolt failures on equipment used on railways, ocean-going vessels, airplanes, roadways, and in the oil and gas industry.

Wagner Energy Services rents out only the best in generators, and when you need the most reliable and portable source of power, you just can’t beat a solid Honda Generator. These generators are constructed with four-stroke engines, and are the smoothest and quietest operating generators on the market, in addition to offering tremendous fuel efficiency.
Miscellaneous Tools
Hydraulic flange spreaders are valuable tools to have when you need to flange something safely without hammering it. They’re available for flanges between 2 inches and 36 inches in width, and use a pump kit for easy separation. Striking wrenches and slugging wrenches are fitted with reinforced box walls so they will be sure to stay in place on a fastener, while the wrench is being hit by a hammer. Striking wrenches have a durable square handle which can accept sledgehammer blows to tighten large flange fittings. Slugging wrenches have more of a flat handle which can be struck by a hammer so as to loosen rusty nuts or bolts. Pry bars will deliver the leverage required to lift any large load safely onto a dolly, and they are often used in tandem to lift both ends of the load, so as to allow for a dolly to be slid underneath.